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Can buds regrow?
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Citrus Guru
Citrus Guru

Joined: 23 Aug 2008
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Location: Australia

Posted: Fri 26 Jun, 2009 1:16 pm

I think there are two slightly different cases here. Pre- damaged buds used for budding/ grafting, and on the other hand good buds that get damaged after they have successfully healed and thrown a shoot.
I would use the pre-damaged as a last resort, but if it is a rare scion I bud everything on the stick.
Those good buds that get damaged afterwards will more than likely shoot again, and are worth giving second chances.
The observation by gd banks about the rootstock suckers is probably part of the key. When the buds have fired up they are better primed to keep growing.( and perhaps vice versa )
The practice of bending or breaking the stock to force the growth of the bud is a way to transfer the rootstock energy to our chosen scion, and also used to force lazy buds into action.
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Citrus Guru
Citrus Guru

Joined: 14 Nov 2005
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Location: Port Royal, SC (Zone 8b)

Posted: Fri 26 Jun, 2009 9:38 pm

In citrus, and many other plants, there are accessory buds on either side of the axillary bud (the dominant bud in the leaf axis). These serve as "spare buds"; in the even something happens to the axillary bud. In some cases the accessory bud(s) will break along with the axillary bud when you force the graft. In that event, I remove the lesser sprout. In most cases, if the accessory bud is lost, one (or both) of the axillary buds will break and become the new shoot.

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Joined: 25 Nov 2006
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Location: Ramona, CA, Zone 9A

Posted: Fri 26 Jun, 2009 10:30 pm

Ned wrote:
In some cases the accessory bud(s) will break along with the axillary bud when you force the graft. In that event, I remove the lesser sprout.

I noticed my Page mandarin has all three buds breaking. I had thought about trimming two off, but then thought maybe I shouldn't if the one remaining got knocked off.

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Citrus Guru
Citrus Guru

Joined: 14 Nov 2005
Posts: 999
Location: Port Royal, SC (Zone 8b)

Posted: Sat 27 Jun, 2009 5:24 pm


In cases where I am concerned about losing the graft entirely, I sometimes supress the less desirable shoot by pinching its tip back, or, if it suits my purposes, I keep it and use it for budwood.

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Joined: 25 Nov 2006
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Location: Ramona, CA, Zone 9A

Posted: Sat 27 Jun, 2009 6:23 pm

Ned wrote:

In cases where I am concerned about losing the graft entirely, I sometimes supress the less desirable shoot by pinching its tip back, or, if it suits my purposes, I keep it and use it for budwood.


That's a good thought. I think I'll go out and do that right now. I haven't made my rounds in the yard yet today ('been fixing the brakes on my wife's car).

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