I've been repotting my entire collection into Rootmakers. I only have one tree left that I'm going to repot. My Cara Cara isn't worth it. I'm keeping it only until I have mature rootstock.
Anyway, I've been using CHC/Coir or Pine bark for this project. At this point, I'm sold on the CHC. The trees have done better that have been put in that mix. Also, CHC is so much cleaner. The mess other mediums make is awful. I will likely switch all the trees over to CHC as time/money permits.
I'm pretty angry and upset with myself I waited this long to go completely soilless with my trees. Just the mess and weight of potting mix is bad enough, the extra Perlite I would add gets all over the place. I'll be so glad never to use it again. I'll try to go soilless on anything I grow in pots from now on.
Another frustration is the pathetic condition of the root system on my trees. Some were very full and healthy, put completely tangled and irregular. Others were sparse, showing little mass around the root ball, but with long shoots down to the bottom of the pot. Then there are rotted roots at the bottom of the pot. I did my best to prune during this job.
Ironically, the Calamondin I started this thread with will probably die, it was struggling badly which is why I repotted it, but I just waited too long. I wasn't as careful with its root system as I've been with the other trees. I should note that I used Pine bark in the Calamondin instead of CHC.
One tree left. One of my first trees, it is in a 12" Terra Cotta pot and potting soil. It's the Meyer Lemon!!!!!
My expectations for this tree are low, it is a Meyer after all. I've learned so much, I've only been at this a short time. Any new trees, will be quickly examined for root condition and repotted to Rootmaker containers and CHC. I'd rather spend my time and money up front, then to nurse a tree and have poor results.
Oh and a big thanks to Millet. You are the best.