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Joined: 14 Mar 2009
Posts: 163
Location: Jamestown, Colorado, 9K

Posted: Mon 23 Mar, 2009 11:46 pm

Sorry guys, I thought I had only provided the link and not the first whole posting on Al's thread. It is not a citrus specific thread, just for container growth in general. There are lots of postings about various topics including citrus, you just need to navigate through the postings and also check the last 5 versions of that thread (it's been going since 2005?). It probably would have made alot more sense if people had just seen the link and not the posting so they knew it was not citrus specific. I even previewed that posting and there was only a link there and not the whole first posting? I am pretty confused about that. Anyways, I guarentee Al's growth mediums would need alteration if they were for citrus growth specifically, but I did learn alot about alot of things including the perched water table. I kind of dropped the ball on that one folks, here is just the link to that thread.

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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
Posts: 68
Location: Colorado

Posted: Tue 24 Mar, 2009 3:36 pm

The author of the garden web posts "Tapla" states that he strives to achieve an acid pH for most of his container gardening. 6.0-6.5 is what I seem to remember as his preference.
He reports the "gritty mix" comes in at about 6.0 so he uses gypsum for the calcium to keep it at this pH and adds epsom salt with waterings to add Magnesium.
For his traditional pine bark fine mix, he reports the pH to come it at closer to 5.0. He therefore uses dolomite to both get pH closer to 6-6.5 as well as to add the calcium and Mag.
I have made the gritty mix for my citrus but haven't checked the pH- I'll do that soon.
I have not made the other mix to test it- but probably will try it for some container vegetables this summer.
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