Hi - I am new to this site and have been reading for a few days now looking for any information that I can find in an attempt to diagnose what is going on with my lemon tree. Here is where I stand with her today:
1- She's indoor only (I live in a condo without a yard; I do have a balcony but it does not get sun - even indirectly). 2- I have a 150-watt Dayspot grow light on her for at least 10 hours a day. 3- About a year ago, she starting losing a lot of leaves and I took some to my local botanical garden. They said I needed to increase the acid and iron content in her water so every time I water (which is about once a week), I add Green Light Iron & Soil Acidifier to the water, and I let in run through completely. 4- I sprinkle on the top of the soil NutriStar Citrus & Avocado food for fertilizer.
She does produce fruit usually 2-3 lemons a year and they can take up to 8 months to turn yellow. I am very diligent about scale and check her almost daily. Recently, she has started to lose more leaves (a lot). I understand that leaves die off but it seems as though this is more than her usual. Besides that, she just doesn't appear healthy to me.
From the reading I have been doing on this forum, I have put together a list of things that I'm going to try first, for example: re-potting her in CHC (I ordered it online and it hasn't arrived yet), fertilizing with Jack's 25-5-15 (again, waiting for UPS) and I have ordered a T5 8 tube lighting system to mount on my ceiling.
Am I on the right track with this? I noticed that the leaves that she is losing do not have the petiole on it which means she is stressed. The thing is - none of her conditions have changed recently.
Any other suggestions that you can think of would be much appreciated.
