If you like, make it on your own.
Simply take some old yoghurt pots, clean and in order.
Now take some gelatine or agar-agar. Use them as given, usually they were given in hot water and build up a gel. So, be carefull... stir well and as you reduce heat and it get's sticky, stir a very low amount of liquid fertilizer to the gel and add a rooting hormone, if liquid or as power, doesn't mtter.
The hormone will mix up in the gel, hich you now filll in the pots.
Seal them with Parafilm and wait until fully hardened and cold.
Then rip off the parafilm, stuff your cuttings in and then wait...
Place in shade and keep air moisture on about 90% rH.... Usually roots can be spot through the agar and the rooted cutting can be taken ou, rinsed and planted...
Sometimes mold will grow on the gellatine or agar surface, simply prevent by spraying a diluted ammonium chloride or super hydroxid solution to the surface....
Eerh, hmm, uuuh, oooh, just guessing