With using an excellent draining medium with high aeration, your half way there, now start feeding your tree with a fertilizer that contains trace minerals, and your tree will reward you with a nice crop of fruit. Normally, the first deficiency symptoms that begin to show up, when a tree is not given the nutrition that it needs, is the lack of nitrogen (on older leaves, yellow leaves, or yellow-orange veins with some green on the sides. Note: that all new leaves are always lighter green for the first month or so until the tree has allocated enough nitrogen to them to fill in their green color. Lastly, looking at the leaves in the second picture, is the nitrogen source in your fertilizer derived from urea, and or is your water supply high in soluble salts? The yellow tips look like biuret toxicity, and the dead margin could also be from soluble salt toxicity. All in all you tree does not look all the bad. Take care. - Millet (1,305-)