I think for the most part, my tree is very healthy. Lots of new and lush growth. I did have a problem a few weeks ago with something chomping on the leaves as evidenced on just a couple leaves. I tried some homemade insecticidal soap, but that didn't work. So I had to use some Sevin. I only used it once, but that seemed to have corrected the problem. There is no evidence of any further damage (I think the same thing may have been eating my sage....which was taken care of also).
Anyway, I noticed the other day that on one or two leaves there are yellow spots. The tree is in Miracle Gro soil that feeds for three months and is only about a month in. Also, the tree started to bloom, so I supplemented it with some Osmocote.
I am wondering if perhaps I'm guilty of over-watering or if it's something else. It's been HOT here (97 degrees), so I've been giving it a drink each day. It does have good drainage. I would like to reiterate that the leaves aren't yellow and it's literally just a couple of them. But there are tiny spots (patches) of yellow on them.
I don't know if it's important, but the tree gets direct sunlight from about 9 in the morning til 6 at night. Too much sun? Should I move it to a different location? It's been stupid hot here as I mentioned.
I have looked through many. many posts here where people complain about "yellowing" of leaves, although I've not seen any that look like mine. Mine are "spots" of yellow on just a couple leaves. I'll try and post a picture. Any advice would be greatly appreciated....Millet, looking in your general direction.
Yellow Spotting on the Leaves: