I bought a load of mushroom compost last year to mix with my potting medium. I've been using this mix to plant seeds, sedlings, cuttings, even cactus, & to re-pot anything needing a larger pot. That includes some citrus that needed to be bumped up to a larger pot.
The other day, I was reading on another message about cold protection and folowed a link to Just Fruits & Exotics. I saved it to read the rest at a later time. (the link)
http://www.justfruitsandexotics.com/JF%20Citrus.pdf . Now, reading there farther down, I read:

Mulch this area in spring and fall with 4-6 inches of mulch. Preferred mulches for citrus trees are bark, leaves and weed-free hay. Do NOT use mushroom compost as mulch for citrus."

? What's the reason for not using mushroom compost on citrus? The ones that I re-potted look ok so far, and are putting on new growth. Do I need to un-pot them, wash all the new soil off them & plant them into something else? I thought compost was compost. What's wrong with mushroom compost?