Wow...heavy stuff Millet and way over my head
What i am suggesting here is a bit off subject and more relevant to young trees and up.
My two cents worth=From what i know soluble fert doesnt remain viable in the mix for long ie its nutrients are not there for long for the plant to take it up....Slow release ferts have the advantage in high rain areas like where i am in Auckland as i could feed with soluble fert and then it rains the next day and washes it straight out.By using slow release a small amount of food is available everytime you water and usually each capsule is consistent with its nutrient if you were to go away in early spring there will be some nutrients there available should it rain.Ad to the fact that rain is organic in nature...your plants will always prefer rainwater to tap.
There is a greater risk of root damage if you fail to water your tree first before the feed with soluble fert...something most manufacturers fail to mention on their instructions...I am sure many gardeners will have burnt the roots on container grown plants Due to watering with soluble fert straight up.
Soluble feeds would be very good in spring/summer time when there is less rain to flush the nutrients out and food is in high demand for spring bud break(especailly nitrogen)......where i am....I use slow release fert with millets suggested formula 5-1-3 npk plus trace..I will foliar feed with new spring growth and feed soluble then but the rest of the time,just the slow release plus mag fillings/gypsum.This procedure suits my climate but i dont know about yours.