Ive been looking around for info! , has anyone tried micropropagation? , i was wondering if anyone has any info on the best growth hormones/nutrients for use with citrus?
Ive not tried it yet, ive been making lists of things to buy, after doing a lot of reading on the net, watching a few videos on it,
it doesnt look that hard to do..... just difficult to do well!
I hve most of the chemicals ordered, growth hormones etc, this all started as i was looking for formulas for gel rooting medium for rooting cuttings in a normal way, now ive decided to have a go at micropropagation as well ,
it seems virtualy the same as standard rooting procedures apart from the sterile conditions, petri dishes etc, but you need less material to start with as you can grow the stem as well as the roots
Are there any sites with specific info on micropropagation of citrus?