Hi All and Happy New Year!!
I am new to this forum and really appreciate all the exceptional advice and words of wisdom regarding my citrus trees (special thanks to Millet)
2007 was a very challenging year for me mostly due to health issues. I feel I would be remiss in not sharing what I have learned and also I would like to give something back to the members of this forum who have unselfishly shared their advice. I am both one of the luckiest as well as the unluckiest people alive in that I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Lucky in regards to being diagnosed, as I am only 44 years young and most if not all doctors do not start to screen males until they are 50 (without a family history of prostate cancer). I had to switch doc's for insurance purposes and am very lucky my new doc screens all males starting at age 40, despite opposition from the insurance companies. I would not have lived to see my 50th birthday had he not screened me and detected it. I'm one of the the unluckiest people alive in that I was diagnosed with it. If you are a male and are over the age of 40, you need to be screened with both a PSA test as well as a DRE. You need to be screened with these tests as it can progress asymptomatically, (without symptoms) as in my case. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and if you live long enough, you will get it (approx. 95% of men over 90 have it). The key to beating prostate cancer is early detection and education. One thing I would like to mention is anti oxidants (pomegranate juice is one of many) appears to play a major role in the prevention of this type of cancer per all the docs I have seen. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Take Care