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New growth, and curl

Citrus Growers Forum Index du Forum -> Container citrus
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006
Posts: 174
Location: Montréal, Québec, Canada

Posted: Sat 06 Jan, 2007 5:59 pm


My lemon meyer lost many leaves (mites) over nov-dec and proceeded with a vigorous growth period. The other day, I got a hugely sunny day, and the leaves curled. Not worried at this point, but dissapointed to see some really young shoots kick the bucket cause of the sun, I am assuming....The leaves bounded back (the ones not delicate enough to fall off) at the end of the sunny day, but then curled up again. I have a photo, it's greyed out at the bottom cause I shut down accidently before it was done, but you can still see it, it's only young growth that is doing this.

For the record, it is not at all as sunny in that pic (today) as it was that day. Between 24-26°C (cause the window's open). It's overcast with sunny breaks now. The temp in my appart. topped at 34°C on the day they first wilted and curled. ( I know, hot, but I have little means to control it besides the wimdow, which drops the humidity greatly)

Is this cause for concern? I really have problems regulating temp and humidity here.


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