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Advice for my Mexican Lime tree?

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Joined: 02 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
Location: League City, TX

Posted: Sun 02 Mar, 2008 3:13 am

I am very new here (1st post) and have some questions regarding my lime tree.

  • I live just south of Houston, TX and it's been fairly chilly lately (35-50 degrees F at night). My backyard is also really windy. Is this a problem?
  • Is my pot too small? Should I repot my tree?
  • I've read about suckers on this site and had taken off what i thought were suckers a few months ago. Are there still suckers at the base?
  • Do I need to prune off the top of parts of the tree?
  • Some older leaves have turned quite yellow (shown in picture 7). IS there something wrong with the tree? Is this normal?
  • Is it bad the my tree leans to the side (pic 2)? Should I support it with a post or something?

Here's some background info:

I've had my lime tree since September of last year and since then, my tree has not yielded any fruit. Last fall, I did have several blossoms (about 15-20), though all fell off before maturing to a full fruit. I have TONS of blossoms now. Are there too many blossoms?
I also had a lot of leaf loss, though I know this happens when the tree is stressed. I did not repot the tree because of this. New sprigs have come back where the leaves fell off (shown in pic 9).
I've been fertilizing in the pot with Vigoro Citrus & Avocado 12-5-8 with about 1/6 cup every 2-3 months. Is this enough, too much, too little?

Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong or right. Smile Thank you in advance for your help!


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Joined: 24 Apr 2007
Posts: 58
Location: wisconsin zone 5

Posted: Sun 02 Mar, 2008 11:51 pm

Hi Barrooze,

I can't answer most of your questions but I can answer some.

First let me say that your tree looks very nice. Be careful with a key lime because even a light frost will kill it.

Don't prune the top.

Move your plant into a sheltered location. Nothing living likes to be in a windy situation especially one that is really windy.

From your pictures it looks like you have multiple plants in the pot. If that is the case then I would divide them up and plant each one in its own pot.

Don't stake the tree, instead reposition it better when you repot .

There are never too many blossoms. The tree will not produce more fruit than it can handle.

I can't answer your fertilizer question since I don't have that brand, but I can say that if you follow the directions and you should be just fine.

Good luck and keep us updated.
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