I have one variegated Eureka lemon 3 years old. I have 10 other citrus trees mostly mandarins.
My lemon has twice as many nodes per lineal inch as the mandarins, the leaves are curly and not shiny like the other trees of the same age and the secondary growth sprigs are a yellowish green. MY QUESTION IS: Are these normal characteristics? I potted it in a mixture of good drainage material, and maybe after 3 years it needs re-potting? I fertilize with osmocote and 4 or 5 times a year with Miracle Grow (same as the other trees). It does have marble size fruit on it. I was going to cut a bud stick off of this tree, when I noticed the amount of buds on one little stick. I don`t think I could get just ONE off. Let me know if this tree sounds normal. I have nothing to compare it to.