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Fertilizer ratio

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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Sat 08 Jan, 2011 6:26 pm

Hi , I have too much Scotts(Peter's) fertilizer and I don't want to buy the ready-to-use stuff from nurseries so I was wondering if it is possible to make my own recipe from the fertilizer I have. (Mixed with water so I don.t measure every time) Very Happy

So .. Cool
I have a 23+6+10+2MgO+ Microelements type fertilizer and I want to make a bottle of 250ml of ready-to--use fertilizer so I can measure myself the 1/4 1/2 1/1 ratio for winter/autumn-spring/summer feeding schedule , so how much should I add from that to make a bottle of fertilizer .

Thiis is the bottle I've just finished so I would like to use it because the tap is measured in 3 measures. ( 1/4 -- 7ml 1/2 --14ml 1/1 --28ml all added to 1l of water)

I really don't want to make any overdoze mistakes , but I would like to make my own recipe for the fertilzer I got from Scotts.

The original bottle had a 6-4-6 ratio , I know that with mine I cannot achive that buut I could be pretty close to that . I would be pleased if I could get a 28ml/2l of water ratio.
On Scotts label said that I should add 0,5-1 gram/L , so what would i get using that formula ? a 4.1.2 ratio which added as 28ml/l should be arround the recommended 250 ppm.

Hopefully I was somehow clear enough Laughing
Thank You
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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Sat 08 Jan, 2011 8:13 pm

Let's say that judging from what Sylvain said that I sould use 1g/1L I should use 3 x3 gr to get a 250 ml bottle and to use 28 ml to get 1 l of water , but what ratio would I have then ?
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Location: Colorado

Posted: Sun 09 Jan, 2011 4:11 pm

If you want to make a 250 PPM solution using the fertilizer 23-6-10-2Mg0, it would be much easier to make it in a larger quantity such as a gallon (3.8 l). Adding 4.06 grams of the above fertilizer formula to one gallon (3.8 l) of water will make a 250 PPM fertilizer solution. To make a liter just divide by 3.8. Use the larger container to fill, and refill, your 250 ml bottle. - Millet (736-)
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Joined: 30 Jan 2010
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania, Zone 5

Posted: Sun 09 Jan, 2011 4:59 pm

Millet wrote:
If you want to make a 250 PPM solution using the fertilizer 23-6-10-2Mg0, it would be much easier to make it in a larger quantity such as a gallon (3.8 l). Adding 4.06 grams of the above fertilizer formula to one gallon (3.8 l) of water will make a 250 PPM fertilizer solution. To make a liter just divide by 3.8. Use the larger container to fill, and refill, your 250 ml bottle. - Millet (736-)

I don't think that's what he wants, I think he wants to change the ratio. But I don't get it exactly.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 1:57 pm

Millet your right , but there are a few question more to be answered

when does the fertilizer expire making it in so large quantities?

what is the ratio that I got after mixing 4,06 grams with water (26-3-10 or 4-1-2 as advertised on the label)?

the solution I make is ready to use as it is and I was thinking to a more concentrated formula , so by adding a tap pf my bottle to make the right formula for 3L of water or 1 gallon to more easy for you?

So I need to add twice the water , once to dilute the fertilizer to a proper formula , and twice to make it ready to water my plants, correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you to all
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Location: Colorado

Posted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 2:32 pm

I thought the fertilizer's actual formula is 23-6-10-2MgO, as shown in your first posting, and not 26-3-10 as you show in your last post. The formula on the fertilizer bag shows the formula to be 23-6-10. The numbers 4:1:2 is the ratio of the elements NPK. 4:1:2 is close for the 23-6-10 but not completely accurate. Here in the USA I have never seen a Scott's fertilizer bag show both the ratio and formula on the bag. Anyway, if you add 4.06 grams to a gallon (3.8L) water, or 1 gram to a liter, or even 1/2 gram per 1/2 liter, you will be feeding your tree 250 PPM Nitrogen. Basically you can forget about the 4:1:2 because that is the ratio not the fertilizers formula. If you make a larger amount of ready to use fertilizer solution then you can use, if you cap the bottle closed and store away from the light (to avoid algae build up) the fertilizer should remain in good condition. - Millet (735-)
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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 5:05 pm

yes my mistake , 23-6-10. Laughing

This is somehow usefull because I can keep such a long time the fertilizer , by the way he stays in a complete dark room with the lid on.

I would make that formula and keep it like this.

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Joined: 30 Jan 2010
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania, Zone 5

Posted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 5:08 pm

danero2004 wrote:
yes my mistake , 23-6-10. Laughing

This is somehow usefull because I can keep such a long time the fertilizer , by the way he stays in a complete dark room with the lid on.

I would make that formula and keep it like this.


You shouldn't make a fertilizer/water solution and then keep it for long periods, you should make as much as you need and use it right away.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2011 7:04 am

that was what i was thinking off ... the fact that it will not last too long . so once i know the right ratio I will make itt more concentrated so less natural water is in it.

I could not enter sooner 'cause I have catched a cold on my left foot sciatica I guess... Laughing
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2011 6:58 pm

As Evaldas writes, is helpful information concerning making the amount of solution that you are going to use. However, If sealed the fertilizer solution should be fine for a considerable time. I make my 250-PPM ready to use 25-5-15 fertilizer solution 55-gallons (209-L) at a time. Many times I will make 2 X 55 gallon drums (418 L) of ready to use fertilizer solution. I just secure the drum's lid, and use it as needed. - Millet (731)
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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
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Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Sat 15 Jan, 2011 6:55 am

ok millet
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