I usually encountered also problems in trace elements, and my steps lead me to a large nursery. Well, they do not sell citrus, but roses, apples and other berries and garden plants... but the gardeners were able to tell we were to get trace element fertilizer and were to buy a good full solution fertilizer.
So here to most shops have no trace element fertilizers and the most full solution fertilizers do not match the demand of citrus...
So I walked to a agricultural supply store. The sell tractors, harvesters and fertilizer for tank mixtures and have their own tank service.
So I was able to get here all a missed in the shops. Here the personal was quit helpfull and expierienced. Quickly I was able to get my 25 Kilo Bag of full solution fertilizer, 20-5-10 and 2 Mg and all important trace elements.
That's what I found and use, and if I need something special, I walk there and ask... For them, I am only a by-product, a less-worth-income, but I am a well treated customer and that's why I go there....
Eerh, hmm, uuuh, oooh, just guessing