I'm not aware of any official container guidelines, ie formulas. You can support a full sized tree (or largest desirable in a container) with a 4x4x4 box container that requires forklift/crane to move. A 30" tapered container (the large boxed trees at a nursery) will easily support a 6' tree with very large canopy. Half-barrel containers can support large container trees. You can work down from there, even 18-20" pots can support the same as a half-barrel, but you need to water and fert more often and thus a bit more risky.
Don't prune seedlings, unless absolutely necessary... or at least until it flowers. Pruning seedling trees will delay flowering/fruiting. Searched Leaf Node Count on this forum. The exception is specific pruning to induce branching, like trunk pruning at young age.
I'm sure the experts will respond if you need more detailed info.