Hi all
I am new to this forum and also new to citrus trees.
I have planted one orange and one lemon tree into two pots respectively over a year ago. The lemon probably grew and inch in this time. The orange tree flowers, produces fruit but the fruit never gets larger than a pin head really.
Recently my leaves have wilted on the lemon tree (ever since I sprayed some organic pesticide) and leaves on both plants are starting to slowly turn brown. I will include some images.
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing to grow these plants. I have tried a variety of different types of fertilizers with 2:3:2 giving the best results so far. I have read the forum that 5:1:3 is the desired ratio but we do not have such ratios in South Africa. The closest I can get is lawn fertilizer with a 5:1:5 ratio.
I have a multitude of problems and I hope someone could address them all for me
1. Orange Tree
2. Lemon Tree