No, you do not change the concentration of 300 PPM (.9 tsp). No matter what the size of the container is, the .9 tsp. per gallon always remains the same. Just apply the fertilizer solution to the surface of each container, until approximately 10 percent of the liquid drains out the container's bottom. If you are growing your trees in a rapid draining medium, such as a medium that contains mostly CHC or bark, where the fertilizer or water solution passes through the medium so rapidly that it does not time to absorb into the medium, you can soak the tree's root system by immersing the container into a larger bucket full of the water or fertilizer solution for two minutes. When your tree is soon to be in flower, (spring), you might want to reduce the fertilizer concentration to 250PPM. NOTE: Whether you fertilize with every watering or not depends on the medium you are using and how rapid it drains. - Millet (1,068-)