Hi all, I'm amazed at the wealth of info on the boards and it'll take a lot of reading. I'm simply trying to brighten up my apartment balcony with some potted gardening and I thought that I'd try to focus on fruit plants so that I could munch on some of nature's candy while I'm sitting out there relaxing after a long day. Last year I got the idea for strawberries and wild strawberries in
hanging pots off my balcony and found that just by using hanging pots, you don't lose as many to rot and the like. I was hoping to expand my horizons and try something new. If anyone could suggest what fruits might do well in balcony pots that get pretty consistent late afternoon-evening sun. Also I'm not the most talented gardener (a lot of the technical info on this board already has me boggled) so minimal care would be nice but not required.
Thanks in advance!