A field day for citrus lovers in Fairhope
Friday, November 02, 2007
Staff Report
If you're a citrus nut, you should know that there's exciting stuff going on at the Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center in Fairhope.
Monte Nesbitt and his Auburn University cohorts are trialing dozens of kinds of citrus -- particularly the mandarins that offer so much potential for growers here on the Gulf Coast.
On Nov. 13, from 1 until 5 in the afternoon, Nesbitt will open the citrus groves for a tour, so commercial growers and home growers can see what all the fuss is about.
If you're just getting into growing citrus, some of this tour is probably a little over your head. But the first hour of the tour will be designed specifically for novices. And if you know the difference between a clementine and a satsuma, and if you're interested in developing and promoting Gulf Coast citrus, you're likely to find the whole tour informative and useful.
The Research and Extension Center is at 8300 State Highway 104 in Fairhope, about a quarter mile east of U.S. 98. For more information, contact Extension horticulturist Monte Nesbitt at 990-8417.