Hello, i'm new here and ready to ask my first question
I went to a gardening supply store to look for stuff i need to take care of my 3 new citrus trees (key lime, meyer lemon, calamondin) which are all growing in containers, about 1.5-2 ft tall. They are all currently flowering and the meyer and calamondin have a few small green fruits
They all look healthy, except for a few yellowing leaves at their bases, which i suppose is normal (shedding old leaves?).
I didn't find fertilizers in the recommended 5-1-3 ratio so i'll keep looking for that, but i did find liquid seaweed extract to provide micro-nutrients.
My question is about orchid mix. I read on this forum that CHC+sphagnum moss is a good container medium for citrus, but that the CHC needs to be processed to leech out excess sodium first (cation exchange). Do i need to do that for CHC orchid mix (which is the only CHC i could find), or is it already ion-balanced? I'm not sure orchids like lots of sodium...
I'm not ready to re-pot my citrus yet, i see no roots coming out of the drainage holes so they still have some space. I want to delay re-potting to avoid traumatizing them even more after taking them out of their cozy nursery greenhouse.
I haven't been this excited about growing things since i was a kid helping my mother in her garden, and being in Montreal (Canada) citrus will be quite challenging!
Thanks for any reply!