Well, it is just my curiosity... again.
Our friends brought us a sack of fruits they were referring to as mandarins. The fruits came from their neighbor's tree back in Dickinson, TX.
The fruits look, smell, and taste like nothing I saw before.
Here are some pictures...
Besides that they look like they were picked up quite a while ago, fruits are bright orange, round or nearly round 4-5 cm (around 1") in diameter
The rind is thin and peels easily.
They do not smell like mandarins, they do not smell like oranges... They remind me a lime to some extend. There are absolutely no seeds (at least, 5 fruits we ate did not have any). Finally, they taste like... nothing! The taste is so bland that my mother-in-law refused to have another bite!
I am just curious what in the world they are? I will avoid this cultivar by all means.
Thank you!