In Millet's description of CHC mix, it is recommended to use Sphagnum Peat Moss (note the terminology "peat moss"). I understand and have seen the differences between Sphagnum Peat Moss (aka "Peat") and Sphagnum Moss (aka "Moss"), in fact most HD/Lowes carry MosserLee brand with various different stringy mosses (not peat). As mg65 has discovered, the typical commercial brands for Peat are ground (larger packages are then compressed into bales). However, I don't believe I have ever seen a "long fibered, not ground" Peat Moss.
I'm curious as to what folks have used in their CHC mix.
Poll Question: Which Sphagnum product did you use for the CHC mix?
#1 - Commercial Sphagnum Peat Moss (
Miracle Grow,
Premier Hort,
Fafard, etc all Ground)
#2 - Other Sphagnum Peat Moss (Fibered, Not Ground)
I've never seen any, perhaps Hoffman? (it says "Coarse Ground")
#3 - Sphagnum Moss (
Zoomed, Rzilla,etc)
#4 - Other
#5 - None. Use 100% CHC.