Skeet, did you ask the supplier what the name of the product is? I not sure that it still isn't crude perlite. Over the last 5 years I have been using 4 parts CHC and 1 part peat moss, with excellent results. After approximately 4 years the CHC chips (1/2 inch) have degraded down into a product that has a peat moss consistency. Therefore, the original CHC Chip/Peat blend has degraded into a product similar to straight peatmoss. I have noticed that the trees have begun to decline in the degraded blend, due to the degraded mixture now holding too much water and not enough oxygen. Today I re-potted up a Tavares Limequat into a blend of 2 parts 1/2-inch CHC, 1 part coconut moss, and 1 part 1/2 inch Paramount Perlite. Note: the coconut moss is actually the degraded CHC chips. With the 1/2 CHC and the 1/2 perlite, the medium is really a light open airy medium. As the CHC degrades over the years the 1/2 perlite should help keep the medium open. We will see. I have marked the container. In the next couple days I will try various other blends using various mixes of the products CHC, 1/2 inch perlite, peat moss, ascoria (lava rock), turface, coarse sand, and what ever else I can think of. I wonder what packing peanuts would do as an ingredient???? - Millet