As I've already said in another topic (about potting soil identification) I've received a little Calamondin tree on my birthday, from a nursery I always wanted a tree.
And today I've decided to buy another tree, also from the same nursery (but in a different floral shop). If you're curious here's a picture of the trees:
ANYWAYS, I have a couple of questions, though
1) Why are there holes on the leaves and why do they seem like someone bit them?
2) Both trees (even though purchased at different sellers) have some blue streaks on the leaves, here's a picture:
I'm thinking maybe they've sprayed these trees with some salt water in the nursery for some reason? Something that is blue, like copper sulfate...?
3) Is it OK to remove the tape that is still left on the trees after grafting?
On a side note: there was a card with one of the trees, that had an adress of web page about care instructions specifically for this producer's trees, I read it all, it's very understandable, they also speak about adding pine bark to the potting mix (which most nurseries do not) and etc. Excpet that they say that at the warm season you're supposed to apply liquid fertilizer to the trees EVERY single watering.
Plus they have short descriptions of a few varietes that they grow, but I found out interesting information about what variety blooms at what time (I always thought that all citruses bloom at the same time). Plus descriptions of pests...
Anyways, you can find that webpage
Hopefully you will find some interesting information too.