My first fig tree, an Italian Everbearing, is now in the compost. A moment of silence please.
She was my first nursery/garden purchase in fact. At the time I was so inexperienced and uninformed that I paid a ransom for it. A price that I wouldn't even pay for high end landscaping now. In any case it was a 6-7 foot wonder and I instantly fell in love with her. Over the few years she was in my care I noticed that the leaves were somewhat misshapen and odd. I attributed this to FMV. I am not certain if that is the case or not.
This year I took it out of the garage and it 'seemed' as if the buds would swell and grow but nothing happened. It's now June and the buds still haven't appeared. The other much smaller figs survived, albeit leafed out later than usual. I attribute this to the late freezes of Spring. On closer inspection of my big fig, I noticed tiny holes that looked as if they were drilled by a machine. I discovered tiny beetles, many in fact, that were climbing up and down the trunk. Then I noticed many other holes ranging in size from a pencil point to about the size of a capital 'O' on a phone keypad. I assumed these beetles were the cause. I had never seen them before but they are small, almost jet black and similar in shape to a dung beetle shrunken down.
I trimmed the tree and all branches were dead and dry. Working my way down the tree, I kept cutting till I would get to a green branch- it never came. I guess temps, disease and/or bugs did this one in. My question is this: Is there a pest that attacks fig trees such as the one I describe? I naively thought that figs were relatively pest free around here. Maybe the fact that the tree was weak and dying allowed an unlikely pest to overcome it? I threw everything out but the container it was in. I don't want whatever it is to spread to my other figs. So far they seem untouched.
Below is a link to some pictures. I couldn't get one of the beetles as they are too small for my camera to capture in any detail.
Anyone with any experience/advice on this?