Hey all,
My tree is starting to leaf again, and I took care of my recent scale problem....or at least I think I have!
I want to know if I can feed the tree something to help it push more leaves, without being too stressful. It is still inside, and I expect to have it in for another 2 months probably. It gets good moring-afternoon sun...although, my bay windows have a light uv tint on them.
Can i make a strong "tea" of some sort....bone meal, or something with a good nitrogen count? I just want to give it a little boost...It kinda slowed down on pushing out new leaves.
Also, how does the process work wth old wood, and green branches? All of the green ones from last year are not putting any growth on them...just the dark wood. It this how it works? Is last years green growth useless? Should I prune it to give the base more energy?
heres a few pics, plus my sleeping beauties(figs) in the garage...