From the now defunct Indoor Citrus & Rare Fruit Society, Summer 1988, Issue 26 bulletin here is some good information regarding whether a citrus plant will grow "true to seed": "Most citrus species and varieties are polyembryonic and produce more than one seedling per seed. Most of the seedlings will be nucellar, genetically identical to the seed parent. Out of the several seedlings however, one may be the gametic or zygotic seedling, resulting from the pollination by the pollen parent and will be different from either parent. Thus to be certain that the selected seedlings will be characteristic of the variety, it is necessary to choose the nucellar ones.
It is not difficult to tell the difference between the gametic and nucellar seedlings. As a rule, the gametic seedlings are less vigorous than the nucellars and have characteristics that differ from the nucellars. If you plant several seeds, therefore, select the most vigorous of the "look alikes". You will have a high degree of assurance that you have chosen the nucellar, true-to-type seedlings for growing on to fruiting" Hope this is helpful.
Enjoy growing dwarf citrus indoors&outdoors. Currently learning to graft.