Last fall I tried to root a bunch of different cuttings.. the FD were the slowest.. but then the other root stocks I was rooting at the same time were swingle.. the swingle was very fast to root and grew very fast..
the FD were growing so slow that is what I used for a bonsai.. very cute.. and it was a tree I could water every other day and still keep happy... unfortunately it could not go the week with out water like some of the other trees that were inside when we had the flood.. I will probably try rooting cuttings again.. it made a very cute bonsai..
the size difference from same size cuttings after 6 months was very dramatic.. the cuttings were all about 3 or 4 inches with about 3 leaves on each.. after 6 months the swingle were well over double the size of the FD.. I also had some Trifoliate that was around half and half.. not as slow as the FD and not as fast as the swingle..
only 3 or 4 cuttings of each so nothing that can be said to be scientific measured..
the plants on the right in orange pots are the swingle that I rooted last fall..
the parent swingle and FD are the trees in the far back two pots.. one has red stripes the FD and the swingle is the one in the pot to the right of the FD..
the FD had only grown about 1/2 inch before I lost them.. I think I had most all of these in the house for safe keeping.. hard to remember what I had where now..
any way.. my opinion.. a bit of a pain.. and slow.. but not so much I won't do it again..
Gina *BabyBlue*