I had a problem with fruit flies recently but got rid of them. I noticed what looks like small fruit flies hanging around some plants.
Well, I just potted up meyer lemon in my new tree pot & there were LOTS of these little bugs in the soil. Looks like tiny fruit flies - whitish color. Then I guess when they get a little bigger they fly out of soil. What the heck are these? Gnats? Are they eating roots? I may have to repot everything if I see these bugs around the soil. I am now baking some reserve potting mix at 375* for about an hour to sterilize it. It's left over from last time I repotted to add chc's
BTW, congratulate me for getting the boot on GW
For no reason! I tried to respond to a stupid question Toni posted - it won't let me LOL, & also noticed my last postings got deleted. They were'nt even bad. Isn't it funny that AAE & Toni are here all the time reading up so they can learn something? So glad you started this new forum Laaz!