Due to vacations and family emergencies, I moved my container citrus into a shadier part of my yard than before and I put them on a drip system. Because the citrus shared the same timer as my veggie garden, I watered the citrus everyday, twice a day for 15 minutes - very little (1/2 GPH emitters). Interestingly, my plants seem much happier. I've had a lot of new growth on all of my trees. I think I may have some water sprouts on my Robertson, but my 6 other trees look very healthy.
I'm a newbie so I'm not sure if these are bad signs or good. Like I said, the trees appear to be healthy. I'm trying to understand what conditions might have helped/hurt. My problem is that multiple variables have changed.
1. The new location. Less light AND Less wind. I've suspected that the previous spot, while not very windy could have been a problem (but, I'm not sure).
2. Drip system. I used to use a hose or watering can to supply the water.
3. Watering schedule. I used to water only when "needed." Now the plants are getting a little bit of water everyday during the heat.
Any thoughts? Thanks.