Thanks for posting the pic, I never believed that the Razzlequat picture at Woodlanders looked quite right. I called them a while back when I was considering it, and they said that they had never had it fruit for them, I believe they just have a source tree they use for cuttings.
I'm not sure if it would be a shy bearer or not too, but I am still interested in Citrus glauca, unfortunately it seems to be quite hard to find in the US.
So far, I have Eustis limequat and a Lemonquat grafted on to my FD. I just did the grafts last week... we are finally beginning to have some warm weather up here in New England. If the grafts take, I'll probably add the Ponderosa next.
I have rooted cuttings of the Limequat, Lemonquat, Ponderosa, Yuzu, and a few others. I figure I can use these as scion sources to practice my grafting, if it doesn't work all I need to do is wait until the cuttings grow some more and try again.
I'm also getting a Faustrime from Laaz later this summer and I'm pretty sure I will eventually get a Sudachi... I decided to plant my outside trees a little closer together to let me get 4 of them in my water barrel Igloo for winter.
So now I'll be able to cram in a few more varieties if i multi-graft.