Don't worry about it Evaldas, its normal, some of the leaves will grow to be smaller some will be larger. Pretty much all types of citrus develop leaves that are different sizes. Since you are not using CHC or equivalent soiless medium, the fact that you did not use a NPK fertilizer one watering will absolutely not effect the plant in mid growth. This is because the NPK fertilizer will remain in the soil even after you water with micro nutrient water, it will flush some out but not all, keeping the tree nourished until the next application of NPK. Unless you are flushing the soil with several gallons of micro nutrient water you should be fine and even if you did flush out too much the problems would be different, they would show up as deficiencies, like a nitrogen deficiency, which your trees are not exhibiting in the photos.
Keep doing what you are doing, don't over think the process. If the tree is growing and looks healthy then it most likely is.