111 years. So do these trees that have been in container for many years get pulled out and repotted or root pruned? I would love to see photos of the trees and find out how to get a growing medium like they use for them. I just repotted some dying citrus to a 5;1;1 ratio micro bark, pumice, peat/perlite. If they snap out of it and show nice healthy growth I will use that mix for my 2 new 5gallon trees (meyer and a bears lime). I figure I can leave the 2 new trees alone at least until next spring or the one after that or am I wrong? They are from fourwinds. I live in calif. sf bay area and have an in ground lisbon right next to where I was trying to grow the meyer and satsuma that were dying and the lisbon is growing like a monster on steroids. The soil here is so bad that you need a dig bar and a pick to make a hole. I have in grround olive and figs that are doing superb too. Just can't seem to grow a big potted citrus. Does anyone live in the sf bay area and have some citrus tips?