I purchased several dwarf citrus trees about a month ago. All seem to be doing fine with the exception of my dwarf washington navel. When I received it, all of its leaves were very curled, however, all were a dark green color. I have potted it in a 12" container using Fafard Organic Potting Mix that was recommended by a local nursery. I have watered it deeply once during the month that I have had it; however, the leaves on it seem to be very curled as compared to the other trees I have....meyer lemon, key lime, grapefruit, and a lemon/lime cocktail bonsai tree. I have been told to try to keep the moisture level in the soil at about 50% when using my moisture level device. I have been keeping all the trees on my patio with full/part sun; It is due to rain for the next several days so I have put the trees indoor under a 48" growth light using a mixture of T5 bulbs..3000k and 6500k bulbs. The moisture meter level in the navel tree pot is currently reading between a 6 to 7 in most areas of the soil....3-4 inches down. Should I water more or do I have the wrong type of potting mix? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Just a note, the tree arrived in the mail like this and has not really changed that much in about a months time. Some of the lower leaves have opened up though. Thanks, Tim.