Stan, how is the gardenia doing now? Why do you think that gardenias need to be watered every hour? Why did you strip all the soil away right after you got it?
Everyone does things differently, but I NEVER, no matter what plant I get, repot it right away. A plant ALWAYS needs time to adjust to its new surroundings (especially when less than optimal, i.e. florida to connecticut). The less shock that a plant has to deal with, the faster and better it can recover. And it gives you time to enjoy and observe the plant.
Not all plants can handle having all the soil stripped from their roots.
I have 2 large grafted gardenias that I've had for years. They are no harder or fussier than any other of my plants. Just give them some time outside in the summer if possible, let the soil dry to the touch between waterings, feed some acid fertilizer occasionally; basically, treat it like any other plant and it will do just fine.
Here's something I learned about life from a very wise professor: if you think it's easy, it is; if you think it's hard, it will be.