SB, sorry about your meyer dying on you - that's a heartbreaker. I have 2 sort of in trouble.
Hopefully someone can help me out here with other than WLD.
I have 2 meyers. One I've had over 4 yrs --it came healthy, grafted, almost 3 ft tall. Had blossoms but never any fruit. 1 yr ago, I had to cut a lot of dead branches off to a stub about 7 inches above graft. It branched out nicely last summer & is now 16 inches. I brought it in for winter & it now has a TON of blossoms & is down to ONE LEAF! Blossoms are opening but no fruit set yet.
I have another (sent by mistake last summer) that is obviously a rooted cutting- now 19 inches tall. It's still got it's leaves - although lost a few, and I just picked the last of 8 lemons.
It has thorns, & the grafted one doesn't. Why is this???? I asked this last yr but got no response.
The one on it's own roots is doing so much better! Is it true that they don't live as long from a cutting on it's own roots? (I did hear this) The one on it's own roots is doing better than the grafted one. I think I'll take cuttings. I just love the taste of those meyers! The grafted one cost much more $$ & I'm happier with the cutting. But, why thorns on the cutting? It gave me lemons, so can't be too young.
Oh, SB! where did you get your meyers & is it grafted?