Diner was late tonight.. I was watering my many plants.. Taking each plant to the kitchen sink watering.. waiting.. exchange for next two plants..
Ok.. I can multi task... started diner... water boiling I realize I didn't have a key ingredient quick trip to store... ooohhh what new fruit are in?? mulling over the lemons I remember THIS is NOT what I'm here for... So I get back home go to drain the noodles and realize I still had Lemon and Eucalyptus in the sink... grrrr.. noodles had to sit a bit longer while I removed the plants and cleaned the sink back out.. and then it hit me... I am an addict.. I know I've joked about it.. but.. WOW never had a true addiction before...
Ok so it's not selling the stereo for a baggie ( know an idiot that did that) and I'm not using the milk money for the "habit".. but.. I have found myself unusually fibbing about purchases
(I don't lie.. very bad at it and don't care for it) eventually I came clean about the purchase *the big purchase from 4 winds* Hubby wasn't happy about how much was spent.. but still it was not something to fib about... and then the late nights... grafting... repotting... fussing in general.. searching forums for answers..
I find myself talking to strangers about my addiction.. I am know to one lady as "the lady that makes maps and grows citrus in Kansas"... LOL She doesn't even know my name, but my mom talked to her and that was how she knew who my mom was talking about.. LOL
I guess as far as addictions go it could be worse... I WILL seek help if I start using the milk money for a "fix" or can't move around the house because of all the plants.... but just thought I'd share... something to laugh about.. and still make ya go.. hmmmm...
Maybe we can start an intervention or support group??
Oh yeah.. we call it "Citrus Grower Forum"... hehehehehe
Hi!! My Name is Gina and YES!! I'M AN ADDICT!!!
Gina *BabyBlue*