Hi everyone! I'm new to this site. I've had my lemon tree for just over a year now and I've had a couple of continual problems.
The first is the yellow of the leaves. Here are some pictures of what I've experienced lately.
This is the backside of the same leaf in the previous picture.
The tree seemed to be doing really well (except for not holding the fruit), then in the past few days the leaves have yellowed and then turned brown. I live in Sacramento, CA and we've had some hot weather last couple of days.
The second problem is that the plant can't seem to hold onto the fruit. It will bloom and develop fruit, but then the fruit falls off. I've had the fruit grow to about the diameter of a dime, but that's it.
The plant is growing in about a 2 foot diameter pot and the soil is on the sandy side. I fertilize with 12-8-4 Citrus Food by Master Nursery. The directions say to fertilize monthly when the plant is in a container. I just fertilized yesterday and it had probably been about a month and a half since the last time. What am I doing wrong?