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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Sun 04 Jul, 2010 11:04 am

Hi , I've been reading this forum and for sure it is full of good advices , thank you for that.

So my , let's say "problem" ,is the behavior of the leaves on one of my lemon trees.

After a flush of new growth

the newer leaves does not go well in the morning sun , even when the other lemon tree i have just love the morning sun > 05.30 AM - 13.00 PM <

This is how it looks now , and the leaf "problem" is only when the sun hits them , after that they are all right and normal.

What could be the problem with them:

1.They are not mature enough to support the full sun
2.They are not sufficiently hydrated by the tree system
3.Any root problem with taking the needed water

4. No problem at all

I would like to be problem 4. but I'll wait for some expert opinion

Thank You and good sun to all your trees
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Joined: 16 Jun 2007
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Location: Southeastern PA

Posted: Sun 04 Jul, 2010 12:05 pm

It is essentially "all of the above", including #4. The tender new leaves cannot maintain water well enough, and sulk when hit with direct sun, especially if the roots have not warmed enough to work efficiently enough for the hot surface of the leaves. Mature leaves are much more effective at enduring the direct sun. If they are popping back up later in the day, they are fine. Your first picture indicates that they are. As they mature this will be corrected. Just make sure that the tree is properly watered (not over or under), and it should be fine.

I have noticed with some of my rooted cuttings that they will sometimes abort a young branch if it is in too much distress during the heat of the day. I think that may have been my fault, though, because they were probably in conditions too extreme for their young root system. I have not noticed this in older, more established trees, but I thought I would mention it.

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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Sun 04 Jul, 2010 2:47 pm

bastrees wrote:
It is essentially "all of the above", including #4. The tender new leaves cannot maintain water well enough, and sulk when hit with direct sun, especially if the roots have not warmed enough to work efficiently enough for the hot surface of the leaves you are so right , for the first time that I know at this time of the year the night temp. are arround 16-18 C (60-65F). Mature leaves are much more effective at enduring the direct sun. If they are popping back up later in the day, they are fine. Your first picture indicates that they are. As they mature this will be corrected. Just make sure that the tree is properly watered (not over or under), and it should be fine.

I have noticed with some of my rooted cuttings that they will sometimes abort a young branch if it is in too much distress during the heat of the day. I think that may have been my fault, though, because they were probably in conditions too extreme for their young root system. I have not noticed this in older, more established trees, but I thought I would mention it.


Thank you it is very helpfull to know that it is not a big problem
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Joined: 16 Nov 2007
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Location: Bergerac, France.

Posted: Mon 05 Jul, 2010 4:28 am

Barbara answered the questions perfectly and we can see that you probably had an excess of nitrogen during the flush before the last. See the incredible leaves you have got!
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Joined: 19 Jun 2009
Posts: 523
Location: Romania Zone 6a

Posted: Mon 05 Jul, 2010 5:03 am

It didn't belong to me then , the leaves are from the previous owner. Once repotted he lost most of the older leaves and started the new ones .
But is good to know that N in excess can cause this.

Thank You Sylvain
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