Well that last blast was just consistantly cold for us all day and night for a few days but not freezing, we have only had a frost twice this year so far. I have only had my banana go down to the surprise 2nd frost and some frost burn on my jacobitabas.
I have more than a couple orange trees that have decided its a great time to bloom as well.
Thurs. Edit Yep, almost every orange that partially defoliated over the winter is sprouting new foliage. A Honey Sweet I had sprayed off all the potting soil it was in(new standard practice now) is not only sprouting new leave but blooms all over. Oddly enough a Meyer's Lemon isn't producing anything even though it had been productive all winter.
Now my pears seem to have new buds as well. Guys, its February we still have one or two cold fronts to go through.
The next weeks Rant since this is still the top thread, WTH? Why can the news people not get the weather even remotely right. Low of 42 they said, no need to bring my plants in due to that. Right, as I sit in my car and defrost the windshield and see other houses in the distance who rooftops are covered in frost or my own yard glistening in the morning sun with frost.
42 trees and growing as fast as I can clear palm scrub.