Waited to long to purchase qualiy peet moss for container citrus, none to be found none aroud my area till spring so i did an experiment with Vigoro brand bagged garden soil, it was all i could find at the time to pot up a couple of air layered lemons i started. With the mixture of lots of perlit,cedar mulch and Vigoro brand garden soil. Even with the perlit and cedar mulch garden soil mixture way to heavy, do not use bagged garden soil! worse than vermiculite! hardly mixed any in the mixture, water even ran fast thru that mixture, after 3 months repotted to check progress and get rid of the garden soil mixture with perlite and cedar mulch. It had very little root growth, so now i have on hand some sorghum peet moss, another experiment to try a new mixture with perlite and cedar mulch. Even after watering the container weighed less than half as it did before. Just wondering about the ph effect on the soil if it would be good for citrus? had a problem with WLD due power outages, twice, 1 week in Nov. Ice storm in mid Dec. messed up the balance, my soil temp was kept around 75 and HO lightning on cloudy days. Now i know what effects swings in temp and lighting can bring on WLD! Thank goodness for Electricity!!