For years I am trying to plant any seed from my citragequat Thomasville, strangely enough many are slowly growing dwarfs. I read that Thomasville should be mainly polyembryonic, so theoretically most of the seedlings should be exact copies of mother plant.
For the moment I have two dwarfs slowly growing in the open ground, and two normal size plants that are already flowering for two years. One plant is in my Paris region garden, it is indistinguishable from my initial Thomasville, abundantly flowering end of May and going into the December frosts with fruits that are still green:
Second seedling is in my another garden in the South of France, zone 9, it is the same size, but only few flowers, fruits are yellow by the end of October and are much larger with the strange shape toward peduncle.
This pattern is the same for three years, initially I thought it could be due to the lack of plant maturity. I wonder if some of the members growing Thomasville in zone 9 climate have the same observations?