Hey all,
Though all my trees don't look all that 'fresh' I wanted to use my lemon tree as an example. Lost a lot of leaves and twig dieback during winters but has been stable since late spring. Sadly with the exception of 2 flowerbuds, no new leaves or branches.
I was wondering how to support more leaf and branche growth. Should I leave it alone and give it some time or should I start working on it activelly? E.g. pruning (though I red somewhere that you should keep the died bag twigs on the tree until next summer or so), grafting,... ?
As you'll see, the leaves are only located on top of the tree. The lower part being fully bald. It's this latter part that I want to stimulate.
Full view:
Full view other side:
Just above the rootstock:
Marked dead branches with red and healthy ones in green:
Healthy branches above the rootstock: