I have experimented on Meyer lemons. I have a few that hang on the tree for almost a year before I have to use them. Anyway, I have left a few on my inground tree that turned yellow during fall, then during the winter, they turned yellow orange, a lot of them fall off, which I promptly used, but there were a few that remained until spring and as it warmed up, they turned back to yellow and as summer progresses, they turned pale yellow and then when the cool nights approaches in late summer, they turned bright yellow and yellow orange, just when I ran out of lemons, and so off from the tree.
They grew slightly bigger also. Granting that many of them naturally fell off when left longer, I couldn't say that they are really good keepers, but some of them did manage to hold on, for almost a year, and so, I would say plausible but not definite. Will try the experiment again.
You can use the Meyer lemon as soon as you see yellow in their skin.