Can you post your photo again? All I get is the graphic
telling me "My image for this link is no longer posted
I cannot say whether you have a bacterial leaf spot but I
can say this has been one of the worst years I've seen for
Shot hole fungus. Just took a good look at my fruit trees
in my home orchard and came away rather surprised that
so many trees have holes in their leaves. The lower limbs
on the Almonds have taken a beating. The limbs that had a
good cover spray look just fine. I don't think I've ever seen
this many holes in the leaves of my Plums and Cherry Plums
yet the fruit seem unaffected, so far. The Apricots have some
holes in the leaves but the fruit are fine, same is true for the
Nectarines and the Peaches, they have some holes in some
of the leaves but the fruit seem to be okay.
You may want to look at this link below and see if the
symptoms on the juvenile Peach and the leaf is the same
or similar as to what you are seeing. I will say next year
I will be applying more than one spray of Ziram but for me
in most years Ziram mixed in with Copper sulfate have
done real well for me. I only hit my trees once this year
and now wish I had hit them a second time.