1. Now that your tree has finished producing new leaves, it is now producing new additional roots to supply the new growth.
2. When re-potting there are many types of mediums you can use. Whatever you use BE SURE it provides GOOD drainage. A couple good mediums are 50/50 cedar mulch/peat moss; a mix of 3 parts pine bark chips with 2 parts peat moss and 1 part coarse sand.
3. Container citrus trees absorb fertilizer in a 5-1-3 ratio. Meaning for every 5 parts Nitrogen that the root system absorbs, 1 part of phosphorus will be absorb, and 3 parts Potassium. A fertilizer with the formula 25-5-15/TM (a 5-1-3 ratio) is an excellent fertilizer, but in England I think you will have a very difficult time locating it. If not, try to locate a fertilizer with higher levels of nitrogen, and potassium, and a low level of phosphorous. Whatever fertilizer you use BE SURE it also contains trace minerals. Good luck to you and your tree. - Millet