It took me close to an hour to completely finish one four flap graft so I abandoned that method for citruses when I can do T-bud in under 2 minutes. I have that method in mind when all other grafts will fail on me when adding varieties. My major problem was perfect alignment on four sides, which you is a strength and weakness, I need to align things properly if I believe I want them to succeed and spend inordinate amount of time now that I have 4 sides to worry.
Also, you are not limited to four flaps, you can use minimum of 2 if the bark comes off nicely, and should be a lot faster to do than 4 if the pliable bark is really slipping well, and no worries of alignment. And to kill time, I could use 12 flaps too.
The main principle is that you basically wrap the scionwood with the stock bark like a banana, making sure you have long cambium contact. I can open the banana with 2 flaps too, so it can be done with 2.