Back in 1995 I lived in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County, about three miles from the beach, Sunset zone 24. While I was loading up on cherimoyas and babacos David Silber at Papaya Tree Nursery suggested that I might want to try the Encore mandarin. So we brought one home.
Of many citrus trees in our yard, the Encore was the star. In my situation it was incredibly prolific and the tree was fast growing, drought tolerant and unstoppable. Plus I have never seen mandarins that would hold for such a long time. In our very mild climate the Encore held from spring until the first of the green-orange Owari satsumas were edible. Great crops every year. The Encore is still there and is still the star of the yard in the midst of semi-neglect. The fruit was always a bit on the tart side but still very tasty, and definitely seedy, but the other positives more than made up for any minor shortcomings. I see that Four Winds and a lot of other nurseries in California don't seem to be growing this variety anymore but a lot of my old books list it.
I am considering tracking down a tree or more likely getting budwood in the next year or two. Wondering if anyone in interior California (where I now garden) or similar climates (Sunset zone 9/ USDA 9b) has any experience with this variety. I never got the chance to compare Gold Nugget with Encore in a common garden, but it seems like Encore may still be the latest mandarin around, and would be available at an important time of year.